My summer spent at the Hospitality House has been a memorable and transformative experience that I will forever be grateful for. I have been able to experience all levels of the kindness, love, inclusion, and acceptance the Hospitality House has to give. I have been able to see both staff and residents/clients go through hardships, yet still be so willing to give and spread kindness. The Hospitality House not only connects with and helps the residents, but they also help many members of the community through their events, food locker program, food pantry, and many other programs which I did not realize until I interned here. I had the pleasure of helping Emily in the kitchen and the food pantry. I am grateful to witness her passion, creativity, and hard work that goes into each meal and task. Even during stressful times, she still considers each individual and their dietary needs when putting together meals, so that everyone is able to eat lunch and dinner. I have been able to learn a lot from her, the traits and skills she (as well as everyone else) has taught me will be carried on into my future. My various experiences here have challenged me in the best way and taught me many new things that have helped me grow as a human. I have been able to further open my eyes to the disparities and struggle that many people within my community face, but also see the resilience in each individual.
The relationships and connections I have built here have made it very hard to leave. A beautiful community has been built here. I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to be a part of the Hospitality House community. Through this experience, I have found my calling to pursue a career in community nutrition. I can’t seem to put into words how much my time here has meant to me. Any expectations I may have had for this experience have been exceeded. I’m sure I won’t be able to stay away long, I will be back to visit and volunteer whenever I can! Thank you Hospitality House for letting me be a part of the family.

All I can say is you guys are amazing. I have never experienced such a fun summer. jacksmith