NC Homeless Management Information System
All providers receiving Continuum of Care and Emergency Solutions Grant funding are required to participate in the Homeless Management Information System. The Northwest CoC is a part of a multi-jurisdictional cost share and governance system (NC HMIS) and has active representation on the Governance Committee. Hospitality House staff follow NC HMIS Operating Policies and Procedure, input data into the NC 516 (CoC) HMIS platform, and meet all participation requirements and privacy standards.
The NC HMIS system is compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and all Federal and State laws and codes. All Hospitality House end users issued access to the NC HMIS system sign a User Agreement & Code of Ethics form and abide by the NC HMIS Participation Agreement. Taken together, these documents obligate all users and the agency to core privacy procedures. If Hospitality House decides to share information, a signed agreement that defines sharing and prevents re-release of information to unauthorized third parties (the Sharing QSOBAA) is in effect.
The Purpose of NC HMIS is to:
Record and store client-level information about the numbers, characteristics, and needs of persons who use homeless housing and supportive services;
Produce an unduplicated count of persons experiencing homelessness for the Continuum of Care;
Understand the extent and nature of homelessness locally, regionally, and nationally; and
Understand patterns of service usage and measure the effectiveness of projects and systems of care.
Hospitality House participates in the N.C. Homeless Management Information System database to collect data on programs and the community members we serve. The compiled data helps program improvement and contributes to policies that will prevent and end homelessness.