When I started my internship at Hospitality House, I didn't know what to expect. As a graduate student at Appalachian State studying non-profit management, I had heard great things from coworkers and students alike. I first volunteered at Hospitality House during MLK Challenge and it confirmed for me that I wanted to complete my internship at Hospitality House. This is because the staff were so incredibly friendly and helpful- and it was the same throughout the course of my internship.
Hospitality House gave me the unique opportunity to work closely with clientele and management. Some days I would be working with clientele and other days I would be helping write grants. No matter the field a volunteer is interested in, Hospitality House staff works to make sure you benefit from the experience. While situations right now are unique, Hospitality House is able to effectively serve clientele while maintaining a culture that enables students, employees, and volunteers to grow.
As a graduate student studying non-profit management I was given the unique opportunity to help write grants, apply for grants, develop outreach opportunities, and learn some of the gritty, day-to-day work that is needed while working for a non-profit. My time spent at Hospitality House was not only incredibly useful to me as a student, but was good for my soul.
The picture above was taken just before I started my internship at Hospitality House- I had no idea what to expect, but I was excited. Now, at the end of my internship, I am so grateful for this opportunity of expecting the unexpected with the most joy. By working with Hospitality House as an intern I not only got to connect my academic learning to in-person experiences, but I got to serve community members in need, and that is what it is all about, isn't it?