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NETworX Watauga

For almost one-third (32.1%) of Watauga County residents poverty is a daily reality. NETworX Watauga equips people who are struggling financially with access to the opportunities, education, and relationships they need to become self-sufficient.


Building relationships across social class lines is a complex process with many rewards and pitfalls. Best practices gleaned from other national initiatives, asset-based community development, strength-based assessment, a historical movement resulting in significant change, and other research-based material informed the development of the NETworX model. NETworX is based on the Methodist movement which French Theologian Halevy believed provided a “ladder of opportunity” for those experiencing poverty. Weekly classes, accountability, and relationship building were the core of the Methodist movement and are at the core of the NETworX initiative.


At the model's core are weekly meetings that include shared meals, time for relationship-building and mutual accountability, goal setting, and celebration.  Childcare and transportation, frequent barriers to regular participation, are provided as needed without cost.  Education around the topics of self- awareness, racial equity, addiction in all of its forms, aspects of privilege, holistic poverty, social capital, the role of personal and community trauma, and community transformation form the topical base of the training classes.

Reciprocal relationships, built over a period, of time, are central and are built through the shared cohort experience and shared vulnerability.  Participants support one another as they develop their individual strengths, capacities, and potential. Finally, because the level of transformation desired takes place over time, participants are asked to dedicate 18-36 months to training and relationship building.


For more information please call 828-264-1237 or email NETworX Watauga Coordinator Brandon Poole


Ultimately participants will:

  • Reach self-sufficiency or be markedly closer to that goal

  • Learn to set specific, measurable short-term goals which will guide them towards their long-term goals

  • Build relationships and social capital across social and economic lines to develop strong personal and professional networks

  • Learn how to find, obtain, and maintain employment or return to school to improve their chances of living-wage employment in the future.

  • Actively participate in identifying and changing barriers in the local community that keep people in the cycle of poverty




Street: 160 Den-Mac Drive

Mail: PO Box 309

Boone, NC, 28607


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Hospitality House, a regional nonprofit housing and homeless services agency, works in seven rural North Carolina counties (Watauga, Wilkes, Ashe, Avery, Alleghany, Mitchell, Yancey) providing housing, shelter, food access, homeless prevention, street outreach, counseling, medical care, and crisis assistance. Since 1984, the mission of Hospitality House has been to rebuild lives and strengthen community by providing a safe, nurturing, healthy environment in which individuals and families experiencing homelessness and poverty-related crises are equipped to become self-sufficient and productive. Federal Tax ID 56-1442966.


Non-Discrimination Policy: Hospitality House does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, class, income status, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, hiring and firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our staff, volunteers, subcontractors, vendors, and clients.


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